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Lower cut-offs in top Delhi University courses this year

From the coming academic session, there will be more number of seats in most sought after honours courses in all Delhi University colleges, which may turn into marginal decrease in the rocket high cut-offs.

According to the proposed plan, these universities are planning to scrap the BA/B.Com./B.Sc. programmes earlier know as pass courses and will enable colleges to distribute these seats in other courses. These colleges have given the feedback that the courses with high number of applications and much in demand would get maximum number of seats.

These colleges include St. Stephen’s, Hindu, Hansraj, Lady Shri Ram, Miranda House, Sri Vankateswara, Gargi and Deen Dayal Upadhyaya. This new initiative will be going to benefit all those high scorers who do not get admission in their desired college or course due to limited number of seats.

Besides, some colleges are planning to launch some new honours courses for which DU will write to the colleges inviting their proposals in near future. As per the university officials, the BA programme had total 11,075 seats and the B.Com programme nearly 7000. Whereas, B.Com Honours has just 5000 seats and majority of the B.Com programme seats are expected to be included in the honours courses making it the largest course in terms of number of seats.

Some of the other courses which might see an increase in the number of seats are Economics, English, Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, Political Science, History and Mathematics.

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