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Career option after gate exam

Which course is better after qualifying GATE Exam M.Tech or
MS ? I am studying in B.tech 6th semester with EC branch and
also preparing for GATE Exam. I would like to know which co
urse I should choose after clearing GATE, M.Tech or MS. Whic
h course provides better job opportunity?

Asked by 3864 days ago- by Royabhi



If you are pursuing you B.Tech with EC branch and preparing for GATE, it will be helpful for you to get admissions in M.Tech or M.S courses in IITs or NITs of the country. If you are looking forward to make your career in some technical field and want to enter into the corporate world or looking forward to work with some big MNCs than pursing M.Tech in the same field will provide you better work opportunities.

Besides, if you are interested in research work and further studies and want to pursue Ph.D programme after your master degree than you should go for Master in Science as will it help you to apply for research programmes and increase your chances to get selected for the same. M.S programme will also help you to grab teaching jobs with institutes and university as well research based jobs with companies too. Therefore, make a intelligent decision based on your future interest and career aspirations.

Best of luck!


Response by Expert , 3864 days ago

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