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Most IIMs has released their selection criteria, sticking to last year�s format

Most of the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) have released their selection criteria for the flagship post-graduate programme, as result of the Common Admission Test (CAT) will be announced soon.

Majority of the IIMs have decided to sticking to their last year’s selection process, most have retained the 90 percentile cut-off. IIMs such as Raipur, Kozhikode, Ranchi, Lucknow, Udaipur and Kashipur are the one which are following the last year’s process. IIM-Trichy, which was under the mentorship of IIM-Bangalore, has also announced an indicative percentile of 90.

However, IIM-Calcutta has decided to go with an overall cut-off of 95 percentile, with 90 percentile as the sectional cut-off, IIM-Rohtak has declared a minimum of 85 percentile. Besides, IIM-Shillong has fixed the bar at 70 percentile in each section.

Whereas, IIM-Bangalore has not yet declared its cut-off for flagship programme, last year it was 90 percentile. IIM-B focuses more on consistent performance with previous academic record into consideration will continue. IIM-B will not have a fee hike this year as there was an increase in the last two consecutive years. It is Rs. 17 lakh now, the increase in number of seats is yet to be known.

Some of the IIMs have taken many initiatives to attract female candidates, they have continue allowing extra points to women candidates and students from non-engineering background. Gender diversity will continue to offer extra marks in many IIMs. Institutes such as IIM-L, IIM-K, IIM-C and IIM-Trichy will award extra points to non-engineers and women candidates.

The six new IIMs- Kashipur, Raipur, Ranchi, Trichy and Udaipur-will continue to adopt the common process of written test and personal interview. IIM-Trichy will coordinate it this year. The older IIMs will also share result with the new ones.

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