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DU Admissions: From this year Aspirants not required to fill desired college

University of Delhi is all set to do away with the pre-admission college selection process. In new process too students can get admission to any college of their choice if they will meet the cut-off of their desired college.

Besides, the many changes at the University of Delhi, one thing which will be constant-meeting the required cut-offs to secure a seat in your dream college. One significant change has been introduced in the admission process is that the university will not allow aspirants to mark their choice of college at the time of filling the application form.

Virender Bhardwaj, member of the expert committee on the admission Delhi University, said, “Until last year, students highlighted their course and college preferences while applying to DU. However, this year they will only be required to mention preferences for Discipline 1 (they can choose more than one subject) and their marks while applying to the university.”

After the completion of application process, the university will share the application data with colleges through CDs to help them to determine cut-offs for various subjects. Once the cut-offs will be declared, students can get admission in any college if they will meet the required eligibility criteria. This new process has been introduced to help candidates maximise their chances to gain admission in the university.

Bhardwaj said, "It was observed that many students lost out on admission opportunities because they applied only to select colleges. This move has been taken to widen choices for students after cut-offs are announced."

In the proposed four-year undergraduate programme, students will have the liberty to design their course by choosing a major (Discipline 1. And minor (Discipline 2) subject. However, a admission to a college will only be determined on the basis of Discipline 1. Students will be able to select Discipline 2 in the third semester from a pool of available course in their respective college. So it is necessary for students to be careful while selecting a courses and must carefully look at the list of subjects that a college offers for the minor courses.

Besides, he further added that this will not create problem for students as "the university is considering ingenious ways to mitigate this."

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